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There's one thing off the bucket list...finally. Kindle direct publishing is not as easy as it looks.

However, ever reading many bogus blogger articles , following my own instruction from my previous blog, I was able to format pretty much on my own I think that I would have done on Kindle Create. The main test came when uploading to Kindle Previewer which displays for Kindle e-reader/Phone/Tablet but all can display just a tetch differently in places. It was necessary to fool around a bit more in the docx with inserting page breaks and/or deleting revising sentences etc . If you try it you'll see what I mean. In any event, spent some time going back and forth between the two until I finally got it together.

Fortunately, as to my cover art design, I 'd already formatted in preferred 2500 X 1600 pixel size. Just before uploading , realized I had the axises wrong and revised to 1600X2500 correcting the problem for portrait layout.

So the book was uploaded, late for me as I had wanted to do it in November, but a week before Xmas might still market to late Xmas shoppers too---a match made in writing heaven.When you've uploaded there is a bulletin advising it 's under review for 72 hrs--it was less than 24 in my case.

Kindle will also do a paperback of the e-book---for FREE--but I am still exploring the caveats as although the print versions are 'on-demand' I think (but don't quote me yet) that production costs may be taken out of royalties which if you chose the 70% option as I did (with associated world wide distribution) drop down to maximum of 60%. I purposely kept the colours on my cover art to 3--black, white and fuscia (although it looks red) for print costing just in case, and there are options for paper etc and whether want matte or glossy finish (I chose glossy which makes the colours stand out more).

However, as I changed some formatting for the e-book, will have to go back and do a second rendering for the paperback, for which I also got my own ISBN again although you can let Kindle do that but not sure if there are any caveats there or not.

Next week I'll let you know how that paperback publishing on Kindle goes.

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