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Third Book a Charm

Having survived a writer's hellish first quarter of the year when manuscript files were lost or corrupted and had to be reconstituted both for printing purposes on Kindle and also so that copies could be created and submitted to the Library of Canada , happy to say both print copies and digital copies of REUNION and CELTIC KNOTS are now part of that collection with restricted access to 2047 except through the L of C. Although late starting off this year, I can get on with the third volume : The Maple Blight , hoping to publish sometime in December of 2022. Once I have the set of 3 , I intend to increase the features of this website with a domaine, some interactive communication platform, marketing etc. as there will be enough substantive material to provoke discussion if any are interested.

This has definitely been my annis horribilis but for many people the last couple of Pandemic years have been likewise so I can't /won't complain, and just get on with the 'next chapter'.


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