The Last Mile Nov 10 2022
I completed The Rough of my 3rd book, The Maple Blight at the end of September, basically on schedule and then, with the end in sight , got lazy. But I picked up the torch again the first of November and basically have been reading the Rough copy i.e. the copy where the book is written without looking back until it's done.
So starting the review from the beginning of the book, I was pleased to see the plot hangs together but I had forgotten some of the names of the incidental characters as I went along , so I made lists of those (who they were, their names etc.) referring to that when 'the name escaped me'.
The timeline for the plot action had to be sorted as well i.e. did the action take place over several days or perhaps 48 hours ?If the latter, I had to figure out 'to the minute' what the time was for each segment of the plot . That took some 'to-ing and fro-ing' of the manuscript to correlate or corroborate.
And then some fleshing out has begun . The main character for example is a punster and Welsh to boot, and though these references were plentiful in the earlier book, not so much in this one. So where possible and/or appropriate, I've been throwing in the odd character element, and trying to do the same for the other main characters . As the book's Rough was 200 pages , these additions ought to see growth to 250 pages which is my preferred size.
So, just a preview of what to expect on an initial review of The Rough