Summer Hiatus August 2023
After 4 proof readings and minor edits , finally satisfied with the published book on Kindle/Amazon, the third volume in the series ; The Alaerton Alumni Mysteries : The Maple Blight. Currently still involved however as I will have to post the updated e-book version this week, and send off the forms and 2 book copies to the Library of Canada for legal deposit. I had hoped to be through with this one well before now, but Kindle editors set me back by making me go back to enlarge fonts on some of the imagery. That being done, the e-book update remains but can enjoy the last of the summer I hope not engaged in the writing game at all. In fact , a volume of short stories is planned for 2024 but won't embark on that until January hopefully. Til then , 'Wait for it ...'
At that time , I hope to purchase a proper domaine, but only if this current one can forward on --as it is what is referenced in the 3 books. TBA