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Onward, Ever Onward July 30, 2021

Finally a light at the end of the tunnel. My computer probs are almost behind me -- just doing the last transfers of older files to the new external harddrive, and that included several old memory sticks as well. One winter chore this year will be sorting out duplications and reclassifying files I'd forgotten about .

However, starting the first week in August, I'm determined to redo the cover and set up for the paperback version of Celtic Knots and to purchase the 2nd corresponding 'proof ' copy before final publishing of the paperback.

Once that is accomplished and barring any other problems , the final copy as well as a REUNION copy has to be forwarded as legal deposit to the Library of Canada in Otttawa, the ISBN numbers having been provided by the government originally. Due to Covid, who knows what kinks in the system will emerge but have to go forward nevertheless. TBA

Since the Covid and technology induced hiatus , I am just beginning to feel the pistons starting up again. My change in plan to edit a small book of short stories and poems for Decmeber hopefully, instead of my third Alaerton Alumni serial takes some pressure off a bit and winter writing can get back on schedule with that one in the wings...


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