Music to tame the savage beast Aug 31/2021
I've finally got the 2nd print proof request in at KDP which should hopefully arrive next week. If it's more or less okay, (my experience that their print job sometimes drops lines , uses the wrong quotation marks for 'closing' at times etc etc so it's not perfect but the next proof could have something else wrong program-initiated so might have to just 'grin and print it ' or you'll be requesting proofs forever...) then ought to be able to tackle a few minor changes to the front cover image, and then print.
I've been wanting to get on to the next book, which has been started but would like some musical accompaniment when working. Yes I have the computer , and have burned some albums on it, but I'd sort of like the old boombox you could just slip in a cd and carry with you when not on the computer-- maybe just gelling/cogitating in the garden with a cup of tea .
So, looking forward to this innovation, I ordered from 'you know where' , there was a delayed delivery date, and finally the package came before the new date. I was excitted to open, only to find the tech company through the marketing company, had sent me a different , lesser product. When I checked the BIG COMPANY, the item I originally ordered was now listed at twice the price, but I have the original price and image of the product on my order info of which I did a Print Screen to capture .
I would like to blame human error for my package, but I think someone recognized the mistake in pricing and put the thing that was listed at that , instead of the item described in the order . Now I'm annoyed because I think this is calculated, and not just human error. So I am sending the 'wrong item' back with explanation and a request for the original order and merchandise to go through.
There is little customer service these days , and dealing with large conglomerates , not expecting much in that line . TBA ....