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Covid-19 Silver Lining

Normally, my schedule and preference is to write during the Winter months, November to April and slack off in the summer . The pandemic, and environment effects (serious heat waves) have changed all that, and turned 'the plan' on it's head.

So, being regulated indoors , social distancing required etc has also forced me to get on with my next production, Celtic Knots. I was lucky to already have 'gell-ed' the project somewhat. In April and May, I finished the rough draft. Come June, I kept to my holiday schedule and relaxed , gardening and 'playing' with other projects.

Now in July, with Stage 2 Covid-restrictions lifted and beachifying possible in my area , I'm also starting to look at the publishing set up requirements , and will ease into Draft #2 revisions/rewriting.

It would appear then , that I am now fully engaged in the new schedule i.e committed to Final Edit by end of September/October (including Cover-Art and images) and release of e-book at least perhaps earlier than expected in November and possibly the paperback version too.

It would be lovely to gear down in December and just enjoy the holiday season as I hope to begin the third book in the series in January, 2021 at which time I trust the old schedule will ressurects itself i.e. Winter Whinging and Summer Play, but if there's one thing we know after this global pandemic, the world will never be quite the same , and ' best laid plans oft gang aglay' .... TBA

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