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Last Post...of the season

Last Post until October. I'm supposed, under self-imposed regimen, to be writing during the winter and start my other summer activities at the start of May -- to include gardening , camping , swimming at a club, beachifying, fishing , visiting , short treks etc etc. Of course , best laid plans oft gang aglae, as they say. But since I started doing a weekly blog in this , the first year of the BeachcombersBookery blog , I'll be taking a break from 'a that' .

Tragically, my short story Sineater was rejected recently from a local publication, as it was from a while back , from a provincial one . Three strikes and you land up on this blog , so I'll try one more 'free contest' (if I can find one ) and then it will be posted here for others to judge.

Still plugging away at the Alaerton Reunion book revamp. Just about anything is distracting me at the moment. Hopefully, when I go camping I will take it with me to work on in the evenings. As often happens however, procrastinating in one thing often prompts another direction, and I've just finished a plot profile for what will be the third in the Alaerton series.

I just recently realized it might be rather proper to have a terms and conditions/privacy agreement on this blog , so have to research that for this site before I 'release the hound' and put the blog out there on a 'real' domaine. Now one also has to be GDPR compliant-- General Data Protection Regulation --- so more work to interfere with the creative processes. However, hanks to this current , more 'backwater' site as I refer to it, I still have the leisure to develop content as carefully as I can for now --- the Net can be a big dark pit , and who wants to go there unprepared?

This of course , is not the end---just a hiatus, and well deserved I might add, after the longest Canadian winter on record. I can't believe there 's no forsythia out yet on garden bushes. I went on a native plant walk (resulting in purchase to plant: 2 Saskatoon berry trees, 1 Elderberry bush , and 1 Nannyberry bush --still looking for a Paw-paw tree) and even the guide was apologizing for so few green shoots of anything to see :)

The rabbit fence needs mending ; the day lillies, transplanting; and I've already raked up nine bags of garden refuse. I've cut back the ivy, and de-weeded and hand-tillered the veggie raised boxes to get ready for planting. Doggie training is going forward at a slow pace--- terrier obstinacy is not overrated ! :) Still no movement on the deck reno....You can see why one has to lay the pen down and pick up the sledge hammer, reciprocating saw etc. in the summer. Check out the menu button Kracken Creations to see the continuous monthly activities detailed there.

I'm sure I'll be glad eventually for October to roll around again, and I can take up my habitual seat in front of the fire with a cup of chai. 'Til then ....

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