Winter Whinging
OK---jumping into the deep end after many years---SPLASH! Wasn't going to Blog at all, and I'm afraid , might be sporadic as the energy can best go into story ideas instead . But Winter is Indoor Time in Ontario so there will likely be some Winter Whingings , and in summer, only the odd various blogs, as hopefully more active in the great outdoors in that season. The main point of this site is seeds of ideas sown in Winter that blossom and ripen by summer for casual reading consumption. Fun! Fantas-tic! Pure 'Fluff'! Crimin-i-licious! Easy on the digestion on those hot days when you're in the mood for junk food and quick bites. Not pretentious here---no Michellin 5 star gourmet offerings---just good plain home spun fare that you can pick up and put down when you will; on the beach, in the bath, reclining on a hammock! If you can't finish it, don't worry, it'll still be there domani (hopefully, or next summer....).